Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Pity Party : A reason to be happy!

Now for those of you who know me, well you do know that i am a moany bastard of the highest order. Yes i love to complain and winge and moan, and i do it even though i know it pisses people off. as a result, i have many faithful friends, ( hah caught you there! )

So now that i am broke, it only exacerbates the moaning and complaining. Recently , a well meaning friend tried to cheer me up and good bless his soul but he only succeeded in annoying me even more. He said that we should get together for a "pity party."

A Pity Party? Good lord what does that mean? i mean i kind of understood that, but jesus was that my karma? What sort of statment was that?

But get real, we all do feel kind of sorry for ourselves, and if you don't, i suggest to stay in your faded blue jeans and smile like a moron at every passing letter box.

So: actually! What a great idea! the pity party is the one to have when ever things go balls up! And for most of us, that means every blinking waking minute godammit.

Some annoying people call it " experience" or " learning". Wrong, A screw up is exactly what it is. but now with a reason to celebrate.

This will change your life. ( like green tea )
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