Sunday, January 15, 2006

feeling Immoral? Help is at hand!

i do happen to have the oddest collection of shops in the podium of my building, the place seems to specialise in IMPEX of electronics, dodgy cologne and crap. basically nothing i would want to buy. Anyway , there are a few societies in the building that seem to opereate out of retail service walk in customers... of which one is the ' Moral Therapy Hub"

To be honest i am stumped. I want to say somthing funny cos it just begs to be made fun of, but really what the hell is a moral therapy hub? is like the Moral Home for the Aged sick or something? Is there some thing so esoteric about morals that you need to hub it? Are there subcultures that are totally in need of moral/immoral guidance. Is this MLM? You mean old people can be pervets as well?

I don't dare go in to ask what it is about for fear that they might beat me with unsanded sticks.

So instead i see this as post as a public service, You know the existence of this moral hub and in the future if you ever arrive at some odd point in your life where you need to have your morals examined then mosey on down here, get fixed and only THEN ask me out for lunch. ( please keep it i that order, though Jesus ate with tax collectors , i on the other hand am a little more picky about the morals of my dining partners .i for one hate it when some one nicks my fried chicken skin when i am away to the toilet mid meal... )

Remember ! From thinking of murder to secretly farting into the bus seat. Help is at hand!

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