Sunday, January 15, 2006

Lost in translation : TV DINNERS

Our country caught at the crossroads of seeking out own identity and yet importing EVERYTHING cultral ( even that which first arrived to become culture through the nostalgia industry )... ah well what ever

but bless the folks at cold storage. here they have created some freezer shelves to display " TV DINNERS" a concept more american perhaps... to cater to the time poor/ cash rich movers and shakers who can;t spend the time to buy a meal at the food court to take home.

Unfortunately they seem to have got some distored idea as to what TV DINNERS are as demonstrated by this picture. Or this is perhaps a stocking mistake? ( please i am being ironc okay )

How about this!

I know life can be a bit of a drag, and lately i have been having bouts of moodiness, In trying to assess they nature of my unhappiness , especially when one is priviledged enough to live in an abundant country like Singapore. One can ask ...what is ... urm..wrong?

Well it's this globalised smear right? Of numbers, measures, merits, classification, disembodiment and fear of falling short of the measures. Singapore has served it since day one.



Just get this : It ain't bad, It's just Pure evil... that's all... nothing to panic about.

Where to now?

Evidence that the Lobster even rules the snack world!

if you had read my earlier post on the lobster and crab then.. here is part 2 ish


To perpetuate this myth ( BY WHO? well me suspects our innate whoring to structure or precedent that has no real precedent ) eh? ....of lobsters being of a much higer monetary value....see attached picture of a bag of lobster crakers next to a bag of prawn crackers. Why do the lobster crackers have to be that BIG?, do we find some comfort in the fact that this reconstituted lump of deep fried flour and rotting seafood actually will contain some lobster because it is long, big and expensive looking? And while most crackers curl up on frying, oddly these lobster crackers stay flat and elegant, regular, crafted. and when packed, are stacked neatly in an oversized bag.

Even the label on the bag of lobster crackers informs us that there are 9 pieces.... Here we buy some keropok and we have an inventory list! hmm .... just as you would find on legit well designed food packs. ( eg : contains 25,000 grains of rice etc ) What a high code move! obviously we can count the number of blinking crakers cos they are so huge, but all the same, i think the guy who designed the label is paying attention to the value references although his graphic skills fall short of the mark. 2 colour print is so lo fi. I personally think that when dealing with such expensive crackers better to be above board and transparent to avoid political fallouts in the snack industry. right?

the prawn crackers on the other hand are small, irregular, curved, and the label fails to tell us how many crackers there are in each bag cos perhaps the factory really does not give a toss how many goes into a bag, cheap ,plentiful, knock yourself out

both bags cost $2 each

one you munch and get crumbs on your shirt
the other should be eaten with a knife and fork on plate of some sort.

feeling Immoral? Help is at hand!

i do happen to have the oddest collection of shops in the podium of my building, the place seems to specialise in IMPEX of electronics, dodgy cologne and crap. basically nothing i would want to buy. Anyway , there are a few societies in the building that seem to opereate out of retail service walk in customers... of which one is the ' Moral Therapy Hub"

To be honest i am stumped. I want to say somthing funny cos it just begs to be made fun of, but really what the hell is a moral therapy hub? is like the Moral Home for the Aged sick or something? Is there some thing so esoteric about morals that you need to hub it? Are there subcultures that are totally in need of moral/immoral guidance. Is this MLM? You mean old people can be pervets as well?

I don't dare go in to ask what it is about for fear that they might beat me with unsanded sticks.

So instead i see this as post as a public service, You know the existence of this moral hub and in the future if you ever arrive at some odd point in your life where you need to have your morals examined then mosey on down here, get fixed and only THEN ask me out for lunch. ( please keep it i that order, though Jesus ate with tax collectors , i on the other hand am a little more picky about the morals of my dining partners .i for one hate it when some one nicks my fried chicken skin when i am away to the toilet mid meal... )

Remember ! From thinking of murder to secretly farting into the bus seat. Help is at hand!

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